onsdag, juli 23, 2008

Second Kiri

I blame Sissel for my Kiri-addiction!

Wow, my ass looks small on that picture!

Well well, after I got my new, perfect job I have discovered so many beautiful things to knit. The latest item was this Kirishawl that I made for the store. It's knitted in Kauni Rainbow on 5mm needles, it took me 130grams and I must say I was a little bit scared at the end, it became sort of a race between me and the skein to see who could finish first. Luckily I won!

I managed to get it finished yesteday at 1 a.m, I just had to hurry and soak it up and then pin it to my bed (yes, I sleep in the guestroom with the no 1. crybaby) before I ran into bed.

Look at those beautiful colours! I'm just stunned!

We don't have any food in our house, so Kristiane is set to lick the plates. Expesially ice cream-plates. I think it's hilarious until I begin to wonder how fat she will be when she grows up. haha. Hopefully her extreme urge to eat everything she sees/other people eat is away by then.

Sorry for the crappy pictures, my camera is still stolen. But at least I got money off the insuranse. So I'm gonna go shopping for another camera!

And it was Ugla who was visitor no 10 000! I haven't found a present for her, but I will soon. It's so hard to try and find the perfect thing for someone!
Well well, I have to go, too much knitting and so little time!

4 kommentarer:

Popsinune sa...

Skikkelig lekkert sjal. Og fantastiske farger !

Anonym sa...

Hei på seg!
Førr noen flåtte farga! De bei et fantastisk flott kiri-sjal.. frista!!:)

Bente sa...

Nydelig sjal, de fargene er skikkelig flotte!Litt misunnelig... :)

Linda sa...

Nydelig Sjal!!!

Tror det må settes på "to do" listen min..